
How Fineline maintains high-quality structural steel.

How Fineline reaches our
“Degrees of Excellence"

Fineline has assembled a dedicated team committed to producing quality products and providing exceptional customer service. Our extensive collaboration with steel erectors and general contractors makes us the fabricator of choice on some of the most demanding projects—ensuring that every part of each project is made with precision and attention to detail.

Dimensional &
Visual Inspection
Fineline's technicians perform dimensional and visual inspections. By verifying the accuracy of the dimensions and the steel components' appearance (including checking the steel components' length, width, and thickness and inspecting for any visual defects such as cracks, scratches, or dents) protects our clients from substandard product, schedule delays, and cost increases.
Material Information Checks
Fineline's quality process begins with material delivery inspections. Our experienced staff verify the condition and specifications of the steel. Test certificates are required from suppliers for each material delivery, including chemical composition, mechanical properties, and steel heat treatment data to ensure the steel components meet required quality specifications and standards.
Non-Destructive Examining & Testing (NDT)
A potential fabrication quality control step is non-destructive testing and evaluations of the properties of steel materials, components, or welds. NDT techniques are used to detect and evaluate internal and surface defects (such as imperfections, discontinuities, and flaws etc.) that may cause failure under the designed operating conditions. If Fineline’s craftspeople are uncertain about the composition of the steel, we utilize various techniques such as radiographic, ultrasonic, and magnetic particle testing and analysis (as well as other techniques, as needed) to detect internal defects without damaging the steel components.

Fineline = Precision

Fineline’s artisans take pride in their high steel and metal craftsmanship standards that demand attention to detail for both architectural creative form and structural engineering function. 

Our dedication to this aspect of our work will continually help us be the “partner of choice” within the steel construction industry—with clients, architects, engineers, contractors, erectors, suppliers, and our peers.